Life in Montenegro in the off-season. Polaco.

May 23, 2024

The population of Montenegro barely exceeds 650 thousand people, but during the season add millions more tourists to them. Therefore, during the off-season, Montenegrins exhale: life slows down, the streets become empty, many institutions close, and students leave to study in other countries.

Serenity and Calm

It may seem to you that boredom is setting in, but for Montenegrins this is not a minus, but a huge plus. There are no crowds, no rush, no crowded buses and no traffic jams. This is why many people flee here from big cities in the off-season for serenity, peace and tranquility among incredibly beautiful nature.

Polaco – Philosophy of Life of Montenegrins

The magical Serbian word “polako” best describes the lifestyle of Montenegrins. There is no exact definition. This is calm and relax, don’t rush, little by little, everything has its time, let’s breathe out and figure it out. Our word “flow” best suits the definition of their way of life. Montenegrins sincerely believe that everything will come, if not today, then tomorrow.

What do Montenegrins do in the off-season?

Preparing for the New Season

Those who own real estate and rent it out are beginning to prepare for the new summer season and take a well-deserved break from the past. Over the summer, they try to earn enough to survive the whole year. This applies to everyone who works in the tourism industry.

Everyday life

For other local residents, nothing changes globally except the number of people and vehicles on the streets and queues in stores. During the off-season, Montenegro becomes more secluded and calm.

Morning Ritual

Montenegrins have a special ritual. Men usually go to a kafana (cafe) in the morning, order an espresso and enjoy it for a couple of hours while reading the local newspaper. Women also read newspapers, but the ritual of morning coffee is an integral part of men's lives.

Montenegro in the off-season is a place where you can find true tranquility and enjoy life in the rhythm of the polako. This period is ideal for those who are looking for peace and tranquility, away from the hustle and bustle of tourism.