TOP 5 Modern traditions of Montenegrins

May 20, 2024

Montenegro is a country with a rich culture and interesting traditions that continue to this day. Here are five modern traditions that make Montenegrins stand out:

1. Greetings and Handshakes

Montenegrins greet each other with a handshake, regardless of religion or gender. Both women and men shake hands, with the women greeting first. In the southern regions, good friends or relatives can hug or kiss when they meet, but with strangers such manifestations are unacceptable.

2. Hospitality

Montenegrins are very hospitable people. Even if you just ask a local for directions, he may invite you to his home and treat you. The guest is always given the most honorable place at the table and is offered the most delicious treat available, regardless of the purpose of the visit.

3. Table Conversations

Montenegrins talk a lot at the table. Scrolling through news on your phone is perceived as disrespectful. Local residents value the ability to carry on a conversation and love to talk everywhere: at a table in a cafe or at home. The topics of conversation are varied: sports, the life of neighbors, the future harvest, the weather, but they try not to talk about politics.

4. Smoking and Drinking

Most Montenegrins are heavy smokers. Even in public transport or establishments you can meet people with a cigarette. Smoking is treated quite normally here. Montenegrins also love to drink, especially during holidays and celebrations, but drunkenness among local residents is rare.

5. Simplicity and Love of Food

Montenegrins do not strive for a luxurious life. They are content with what they have, but they really appreciate good food and cook it with skill. The national food in Montenegro is meat. Mutton and lamb, beef and veal are especially popular.

These traditions make Montenegrins unique and create a warm and friendly atmosphere in the country. Get to know these customs to better understand the culture of Montenegro and its people.