Cost of utilities in Montenegro

May 23, 2024

When planning a move to Montenegro, it is important to understand how much utilities will cost.

1. Light and heating

No central heating: Most Montenegrin houses do not have a central heating system. In apartment buildings, they are usually heated using electricity (air conditioners, convectors, heated floors); in private buildings, wood or pellet stoves can be used.

Heating costs:

  • Quality of construction and insulation: The main factor influencing costs. In the worst case, expenses can reach up to 400 euros per month, in the best - no more than 50 euros.
  • Average amount: In most cases, costs are approximately 80-100 euros per winter month, including electricity costs and fuel for stoves (if any).

2. Water

Rainwater harvesting system: Some houses have rainwater harvesting systems installed, which can save a lot of money because you don't have to pay for water.

  • Cost of tap water: If there is no system, the payment is 1 € per cubic meter.
  • Alternative sources: In some areas not connected to the city water supply system, special tanks are installed that are filled with imported water. The cost of 6 cubic meters of such water is 20 euros. The average consumption per family is about 10 cubic meters per month.

3. Internet and communications

Contracts with providers: Usually concluded for a year or two.

  • Mobile communication cost: On average 10 € per room.
  • Internet cost: 20-30 €.
  • Service packages: For 35 € you can take a package with two numbers and internet.

4. Additional costs

  • Maintenance of an apartment building: In apartment buildings you will also have to pay for the maintenance of the house - 20 cents per m².
  • Garbage removal: For this you need to conclude a special contract.

Payment of utility services

How to pay utility bills?

Invoices are sent to your mailbox and e-mail, and you can pay them through a special application or by mail.

Utilities in Montenegro have their own characteristics. Lighting and heating costs are highly dependent on the quality of the home's insulation, and water can be free if you have a rainwater harvesting system. Internet and communications are relatively inexpensive, and additional costs include apartment building maintenance and trash removal. Paying bills is convenient through apps. Taking these nuances into account, you can better plan your budget when moving to Montenegro.