Popular types of residence permits in Montenegro

May 23, 2024

Let's talk about the most popular types of residence permits in Montenegro, because this topic is one of the most interesting. Save this information, it will be very useful and relevant to you!

Residence permit for employment: The fastest way to obtain a residence permit! Applications are processed under an accelerated procedure in just 15 days instead of the usual 40. Just imagine how convenient it is!

Residence permit for opening a company (and employment in it): You need to add a few days to open a company, but the procedure is also quite fast!

Residence permit for family reunification: More affordable option, but requires a 40-day wait. In addition, there must be grounds for reunification, such as work, real estate, etc.

Residence permit for the purchase of real estate: More expensive and takes longer. An interesting point: not only housing, but also a yacht is considered real estate! You can moor your vessel on the coast, enter into a rental agreement for a yacht space and also count on a residence permit!

Montenegro gladly welcomes you to its beautiful and hospitable borders!