Weather in Montenegro: Climate and Features

May 20, 2024

Montenegro is the most environmentally friendly country in Europe. Here, 41% of the territory is occupied by forests, and 40% by pastures. Despite its compact size, the country lies simultaneously in several climatic zones.

Climatic Zones of Montenegro

  • Coastal areas of the Adriatic Sea: The Mediterranean climate prevails here. Summer is long, hot and dry, and winter is short and cool. These conditions contribute to the development of tourism and attract people for permanent residence.
  • Mountainous areas: Summer is moderately warm, and winter is cold and snowy. The popular ski resorts of Zabljak and Kolasin are located here.
  • Central region of Montenegro: This region is cooler and rainier than the coast. Government bodies, business activities and production are concentrated here.

Weather at Popular Resorts of Montenegro

  1. Primorye, Bar
    • Climate: Mediterranean
    • Peculiarities: Bar is the sunniest city in Montenegro with a flat landscape without mountains. Summers here are long and dry, winters are mild and rainy. The air is saturated with iodine fumes and the aroma of coniferous trees, which has a beneficial effect on health, especially for people with respiratory diseases.
    • Temperature: In summer up to +30°C, in winter about +10°C.
    • Tourist season: From April to November.
  2. Budva
    • Climate: Mediterranean
    • Peculiarities: Budva is the largest and most popular resort on the Adriatic coast. It has clear water and clean beaches, many of which have been awarded the Blue Flag. Summer is sunny, hot and dry, winter is warm and rainy. During the summer months, a cool wind blows along the coast, making the heat easier to bear.
    • Temperature: In summer about +25°C, in winter about +5°C.
    • Tourist season: From April to October.

Montenegro offers a variety of climatic conditions that are suitable for various types of recreation and permanent residence. Whether you're looking for sunny beaches or snow-capped mountains, Montenegro has it all to offer. Choose the resort that best suits your needs and preferences and enjoy your stay in this amazing country.