5 interesting facts about Montenegro

May 20, 2024

Unusual language

Montenegro uses Montenegrin as its official language, with both Cyrillic and Latin scripts used for writing. This unique linguistic combination reflects the country's historical and cultural ties. However, many linguists consider Montenegrin to be one of the dialects of the Serbian language, which emphasizes the close linguistic and cultural ties with neighboring countries.

No own currency

Montenegro uses the euro as its national currency, despite not being a member of the European Union. This feature helps economic stability and simplifies financial transactions, especially for tourists and foreign investors.


The main religion in Montenegro is Orthodoxy, which is professed by 72% of the population. Despite the diversity of ethnic groups, Orthodoxy remains the dominant denomination, playing an important role in the cultural and social life of the country.

Love for sports

Montenegrins are passionate about sports, especially football and basketball. The country has a developed sports infrastructure, including stadiums, sports complexes and gyms. Sports fields can be found even in small villages, which indicates the popularity and importance of sports in Montenegro.

Love for wine

Wine plays an important role in the culture of Montenegro. Winemaking has a long history and is based on unique grape varieties, favorable climate and fertile soils. Wine is an important part of local traditions and customs.